Category: PROJECTS
Application Of Solder Paste Simplified
Recently, I have been working on the muNico 32 which is a custom form-factor of development boards while development on the PicUNO has been halted temporarily due to many regulatory factors while the board continues to undergo testing. The muNico is a very small USB pen-drive sized board and hence using a soldering iron to…
Light that only works in darkness when motion is detected
Learn how to build your own motion detected night light that only works in the darkness with purely discreet components.
Picuno RP2040
The Picuno is the mix of the RP2040 and the Arduino UNO. A drop in replacement for the UNO compatible with C and python derivatives. Read More!
Building a board with the RP2040
This article goes into detail as to how Atul R built his own RP2040 compatible board to go with his voltameter project. Learn to build your own!
DIY YouTube subscriber counter with LCD and ESP8266
Use an ESP8266 Node MCU And build your own YouTube Subscriber counter with 3D Printing and a very new-age retro aesthetic on your own!
DIY Astable Multivibrator -How I remade the very first circuit I made live
When I first started streaming, I made a dual LED flasher circuit. Unfortunately, I forgot to save the recording of the stream. I decided to make it again and convert my LED statue sculpture into something very interesting.
How to make your own ic integrated circuit
So I have finally finished making the chip after 3, mostly successful attempts.The thing is that the chip I made follows the principle of a real chip i.e. I mean that it uses transistors as its brain.It is a single transistor capacitor based IC. It is also called LB103 (3rd version).What it does is that…
The very first project I made, You can too!
This is the very first electronics project that I made and uploaded to youtube.This project is a Remote Controller based motor driver.The video has the products needed. The items needed to accomplish the task are: RC receiver RC transmitter Motor Or if you want to go ultra cheap you can get a cheap car…