Meet the lab man: Atul.
Hi readers!
My name is Atul and I create electronic devices and projects as a hobby in my free time. When free, I tend to write about the project in my website. (a.k.a this site.). I also make content in YouTube and Twitch. I will very soon be using Utreon as a full distribution platform Aswell. In the past, I have worked with products and components made by Atmel, Microchip, TI, NXP and Raspberry PI. I prefer using the Arduino platform, but I am expanding my platform set too.
Over the past 15 years, I have accumulated a lot of awards as well. In case you want to get in touch with me, you can e-mail or get in touch through Instagram.
Want to get in touch with me?
E-Mail: atul@esccrasci.in (no spam please. See the get in touch page for official purposes.)
Utreon: ESCcrasci
Instagram @esccrasciyt
Follow me on my socials and stay updated!
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/esccrasci
- Utreon: https://utreon.com/c/ESCcrasci
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/esccrasci
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/eccrasci
- Element 14: https://www.element14.com/community/people/atulesc
- Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/esccrasci
If you like what I do here, please feel free to share this content to your friends and family. Thank You for reading and visiting my site.
Read my hand crafted articles from this page:
ESCcrasci stands unregistered since it does not come under the tax bracket. We do business under this name only. Complete business details can be viewed in the Contact page.
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